I don't watch tv. I don't have a clue when this happened but one day I just stopped doing it. The tv sits in the office upstairs. Out of sight, out of mind.

When people around me are talking about shows and getting excited about it, I don't really feel like I am missing out. I often quench my curiosity by asking questions around the show and what makes it a good one and in most cases that is enough.

I am obsessed with learning and I guess the tv doesn't fit in it.

Books, youtube and podcasts are a completely different story though.

I spend countless hours on reading (usually more than 20 books a year and hundreds of articles) and watching (mostly tutorials and code-alongs on youtube). When I describe this to people, I often get the question:

But where do you find the time?

The answer is often frustratingly simple:

I don't watch tv.

Ps: I don't spend more than 10 minutes a day on instagram either