If you are curious about what it feels like to work with me, please have a look at this page here.

Below you can find a short summary of my work experience in tech.

Zoios - Denmark
Tech lead

One year in, got promoted to tech lead for the company. As a hand-on-product-oriented tech lead my day to day focus revolves around:

  • Implementing higher complexity features and changes
  • Defining, enforcing and advocating for code standards in our codebase
  • Defining the architecture for our diverse services, which include both the frontend (nextJS) application as well as the Graphql internal api and multiple integration services.
  • Driving (responsible individual) our SOC-2 process from planning all the way through audit and follow ups.
Senior Engineer

Was hired as the second engineer in the company. Shortly after we decided to re-write the platform to allow us to cater to the size of the new customers we were aquiring. The platform was re-written in NextJS and GraphQL at its backbone.

For speeding up the deliverables we decided to heavily leverage the NextJS api functionlity and that carried us very far while helping reducing costs significantly in proportion to usage. My day to day focus revolved around:

  • Developing and implementing the new platform architecture
  • Shipped our first integration - Azure AD
  • Implementing higher complexity features and changes throughout the whole stack - frontend, backend, databases and integrations
  • Defining, enforcing and advocating for code standards in our codebase
  • Defining the architecture for our diverse services, which include both the frontend (nextJS) application as well as the Graphql internal api and multiple integration services.
Connected Cars - Denmark
Software Engineer - mobile

At Connected Cars I was part of the mobile team working on the consumer facing app used by hundreds of thousands of users world-wide. The team was responsible for both the iOS and Android app. During my time at Connected Cars had the chance to work with the whole spectrum of the mobile stack which included:

  • Became the main on-call engineer on the team, working closely with our support team
  • Simplified the state management of the app by removing Redux and Redux Sagas and instead relying on a combination of the GraphQL cache and local state. In cases where state needed to be shared between components, we have implemented some very specific contexts.
  • Leading the migration of the codebase to the new design system.
Blue Lobster - Denmark
Software Engineer - mobile

Continued development of the Blue Lobster app. The app is built in Typescript, consuming a GraphQL api through RKT Query.

  • Developed the React app called Fish Finder. Fish finder (menu.bluelobster.app) allows restaurant visitors to scan a QR code at the restaurant and see exactly what fish the restaurant has on the menu, who is the fisherman who fished it, the technique used, boat, etc.
  • Implemented the Stripe payment for payment in the first efforts of entering the direct to consumer market.
Novo Nordisk - Denmark
Supply Chain Manager

Manager for a 13 people team responsible for the quality support for the inbound supply chain organization globally.

  • Led the team through a transformation from a reactive to a proactive organization
  • Implemented a new way of working that allowed us to reduce the lead time of non-conformities by 50%
  • Implemented a new way of organising that enhance the ability of the team to cover for each other when necessary
Technology project manager

Responsible for the digital transformation efforts in our global Quality Audits unit. That includes: .

  • Developing and overseeing the implementation of the new digital strategy
  • Project management and portfolio management for the technology related projects
  • Responsible for introducing, training and coaching the project teams in agile methodologies (Scrum)
  • Acting as a partner to the management team in relation to the digital transformation efforts that spans outside of the scope of Quality Audits
Product owner and other related roles

layed a key role in the simplification and development of the whole new Deviations handling process and IT system rolled out to the whole Novo Nordisk in 2018.

The new process was a flagship process and one of the kickstarting projects in the big simplification journey the company has embarked ever since.

The new process accounted for a 70% leadtime reduction case by case and a much simpler case handling, investigation and trending. All of this accomplished at the same time as user satisfaction achieved new highs never seen for the process.

    Novo Nordisk - Brazil
    Product owner and Process responsible

    Responsible for support in the Deviations management process and system globaly in Novo Nordisk. Activities were varied and included specifics such as:

    Responsible for the Change Control Process at Novo Nordisk Site Montes Claros. Activities consist of defining the standards for the Change Control process with the headquarters, training local end users, being the reference person on Change Control subjects at the site, and analysing trends on Change Control data, to find where and why our changes happen.