Hi, I am Jorge 👋
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Working with me?

Borrowing on an idea from Claire Hughes, Iwrote a guide to working with Jorge

Software Engineering

I love building things.

Currently most of the things I am working on are built on a JavaScript based stack. That was what got me in the job market and where my main skills are at the moment.

At work I am a mobile engineer working on an app for both iOS and Android that is used for dozens of thousands of users in different countries. The app is built using React-Native and fully written in TypeScript.


Coffee absolutely fascinates me! ☕️

Being Brazilian I grow up learning to have my cup of coffee multiple times a day, but it was only when I dove into the world of espresso and speciality coffees that I really started to appreciate the drink on another level.

Nowadays I roast my own beans (some of the time at least), I nerd out about the methods of preparation and spend a good time researching how to get it even better.


Music is and has always been my go-to hobby, my place to go where things are rough and my constant companion.

I have been playing the guitar since I was 13 years old and, even though I have not turned into the rockstar I once dreamt of being, I still try to play for a few minutes almost every day.

Another part that fascinates me is the technology and the gear behind music and guitar playing. Being an engineer (Electrical Engineer by trade) this is an endless source of fascination which at some point led me to start my own pedal company. Django Pedais.

The company is now closed but the passion and fascination remains.

This blog

I have built this blog to give me an outlet to share what I learned about the topics I nerd about. And also to give me an excuse to build something :D.

Get in touch

Here are some ways you can get in touch: